Stellita Gómez Coiado: Y no podía ser de otra manera!!! Todo llega en la vida, es solo cuestión de peso digo...de tiempo. Tigre está condenado al éxito. Hoy The New York Times fijó sus ojos en el Delta. Never in the history había sucedido un acto de tal envergadura!!! es fantastic!!! nau a prepararse para la ola de touristas COMING SOON.
Vamos a un comercial y volvemos a este beio lugar in the world.
Betty Murch: Stellita me tenés que salvar. Tengo que presentar una nota sobre turismo para el diario de tumorrou y no hago a tiempo; Rosaura Casandra está enfermita y tengo que llevarla al pediatra. ¿me hacés la gauchada de tirarme alguna línea amiga?
Stellita G Coiado: Ay Betuchi estoy a cuatro manos pero para una amiga, todo bien. Despreocupate, saco de la galera algo y te lo mando apenas lo termine.
Betty Murch: Biutiful!!!
In Argentina, Touring the Tigre Delta
Beatrice Murch for The New York Times
In Tigre, Argentina, riverboats depart the Estación Fluvial for trips around the Tigre Delta.
Tigre is named for the jaguars — which were called tigers (y si hay que compliqueited un poquitou)— that once roamed here, before the islands became important agriculturally for wicker and fruit in the mid-1800s; but remember it was in the 1800 now if you come to the island looking for wicker and fruit production revolution please bring a magnifying glass.
Tigre still attracts important artists like Evangelina Anderson, Valeria Archimó and Jimena Capristo.
Since the very young man Sergio Massa become as intendent todou is fashion, ni las clásicas cows of that biutiful cantry quieren desentonar.

Every year in the MAT ( Museo de Arte Jaguar) is presented the Tigre Moda Show, an espectakiular fayon sho
w with the more important carne argentina on the stage.

For the moño of this nout, we tell you that its most famous visitor was Madonna, who came for second time in 2008 with her children , her sex toy de turn and bodyguards in tow. Remember that her first visit to the argentine Delta was in 1987 which inspirated the diva for writing "La Isla Bonita".
Another relevant visitors to the Delta were: Al Pacino with her young argentine wife, Berlusconi with his harem, The Rolling Stones, Daniel Radcliffe, Paul Mc Cartney, Shakira, Ricardo Montaner. IMPRESIONANT.
Betty, escribí lo más relevante; detallé algunos famosos de todas las edades porque eso atrae a diferentes públicos cholulos cada uno en lo suyo. Si tenés que refull hacé copy & paste de alguna de estos links : http://www.vivitigre.gov.ar/; http://www.tigrebeio.com/; http://www.amotigre.com.ar/
De nada.
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